I can't believe my child is old enough to try out for middle school cheerleader!! This week she and several of her friends made the squad. She is so excited (as you can tell from the pictures)...
Friday, February 27, 2009
Cheerleader Tryouts
Posted by The Vickers Family at 5:17 PM 3 comments
Thursday, February 26, 2009
State Swim Meet in Oxford
We had a fun, but exhausting weekend in Oxford. Thank goodness my parents came and helped me with Addyson every day of the meet. It's taken me a few days to recover even with help!! Laken qualified to swim seven events (the max) at state meet. She made it to finals(top 16) in six of the seven events!! The breast stroke is her best/favorite stroke. She made her first AA time and a sectionals time in that event. Most of all she had fun hanging out with her friends and cheering them on as well. Cade did well too. For this meet swimmers had to qualify-Cade was the youngest male who qualified!! He swam his one event-breast stroke. He was seeded last for the entire event, but he ended up winning his heat!! Then they asked him to compete on a relay. His relay did well and he ended up scoring points for the team. Here a few pics:
"Resting" before finals
Cade with two of Brad's best college friends' kids. Alexis Smith (Lucas), Cade, and Bradley Horn (Jeff). Addy thinks it's her turn!!
Me with Mark-relative of relatives (seen at swim meets for years, but didn't realize we had a common bond)
Posted by The Vickers Family at 5:03 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Addy meets mud
Today was such a beautiful day. I dressed Addy in Laken's hand me downs and let her have at it and LOOK!! She had a wonderful time, in case you couldn't tell. This is really a big deal for me-I am not such a mud fan. I don't think I would have ever let Laken get this dirty...
Posted by The Vickers Family at 3:17 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Baby Doll
Addyson is like my dress up baby doll-all my kids are really, I love dressing my kids. However, there's something really fun about dressing a baby girl. My mom got her this outfit for Valentine's day, but getting her clothes is like a two in one gift (I feel like it's a gift for me too!!). This outfit came from Puddleducks (in Grenada-owned by my friend, Karen Hartley).
Posted by The Vickers Family at 7:59 AM 0 comments
8 and under state meet
This Saturday Cade competed in the 8 and under state swim meet in Jackson. He did really well. He won first place in three of the five events he swam: 25 breast, 50 breast, and 100 IM!! He also won 2nd place in the 50 freestyle. He competed with all of the 7 year olds in the state. He is such a little racer. I did not get any new pictures, but he qualified for the 10 and under meet that's this weekend in Oxford, so maybe I'll get some pics of Cade and Laken.
Posted by The Vickers Family at 7:55 AM 0 comments
Last week Laken informed me that she and some of her friends had declared it tacky day!! They were going to all dress tacky for school. Not all of them participated-I think some of the mothers were not too sure about the girls wearing these crazy clothes without the school declaring it tacky day, but I thought, hey they aren't breaking the dress code and I need to choose my battles. This week the girls have declared today 80s day, so once again I supported Laken's bold fashion choice and here's what she wore to school today...
Posted by The Vickers Family at 7:45 AM 0 comments
Last Friday night our neighbor, Payton, invited Cade to go with his family to the rodeo. Cade loves the idea of being a cowboy, so he was thrilled. This is Cade and Payton before the rodeo. Then Andy, Payton's dad, bought all the boys cowboy hats at the rodeo, so here's a pic of Cade with his cowboy hat. Thanks, Payton for such a fun night!!
Posted by The Vickers Family at 7:32 AM 0 comments
I spent the whole day last Wednesday playing on my sewing machine. I embroidered this dress and shirt for Addy for her Valentines present. Then I made my friend Michelle these happies for her baby Nelson that's due in a couple of weeks. I wanted to do swim towels for Laken and Cade, but my last towel was a disaster. I ordered them some swim gear they had been wanting instead.
Posted by The Vickers Family at 7:16 AM 2 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
Addyson loving her big girl chair
Addyson is loving her chair that she got from Nana and Papa from Christmas. I love this picture. She does this all the time: Gathers her blankets puts them in her chair then grabs a book and climbs up in her "nest"...
Posted by The Vickers Family at 6:33 AM 0 comments
Spring was in the air!!
I love spring time. The weather this weekend was a much needed reminder that spring would be coming again. The kids enjoyed playing outside, but especially Addyson. When she gets out the door she takes off. It's like she's been released from prison. She runs with her arms stretched out squealing!! Here are some outside pics from this weekend:
Posted by The Vickers Family at 6:06 AM 0 comments
My busy bee (this week)
Picture says it all... I once again have to re-evaluate my childproofing attempts:
Addyson has become quite a climber. She is so proud to have conquered the remote!
These two pictures go together. When I walked in the kitchen and saw blanky in front of the open snack cabinet I knew "someone" was having a party somewhere!!
This is how I found the party animal. My girl loves to eat...
Posted by The Vickers Family at 5:38 AM 1 comments